Uniform Hazard Spectra

Discover models that provide uniform hazard spectra

User query

Which hazard models provide uniform hazard spectra for the site of my interest?

Request format


Request example


Response example


Select spectral ground motion measurement types

User query

Which are the intensity measurement types (IMT) for which response spectra are available from a selected model at my location of interest?

Potential measurement types are spectral acceleration (SA), spectral velocity (SV), and spectral displacement (SD)

Request format


Request example


Response example




      <imunittype>not available</imunittype>




Explore probabilities of exceedance and timespan

User query

For which probability of exceedance and what time span are response spectra are available a selected model and IMT at my location of interest? Note that from SHARE calculations, spectra are always provided in annual probability of exceedance.

Request format


Request example


Response example


For which site classes do spectra apply?

User query

For which soil classes /surface geology conditions are uniform hazard spectra available from the model of my interest, describing the hazard in the units of my interest at the site of my interest?

Note that all SHARE hazard data is provided for standard rock sites.

Request format


Request example


Response example


Aggregation of hazard spectra from logic tree models

User query

Given a model, an IMT, and a soil type, how was the uniform hazard spectrum of a multi-branch logic tree model aggregated for the available curves? Answers are arithmetic mean (arithmetic aggregation at a 0.5 level), quantiles (ordinal aggregation with levels from 0 … 1), or “single” for single branch models without model branch aggregation.

Request format

[base-url]/spectra?id= lat=[latitude]&lon=[longitude]&[model-id]&IMT=[IMT]&soiltype=[soiltype]&poe=[poe]&timespanpoe=[timespanpoe]

Request example


Response example


Retrieve an uniform hazard spectrum

User query

Given all previously selected parameters, retrieve a uniform hazard spectrum.

Request format

[base-url]/spectra?id= lat=[latitude]&lon=[longitude]&[model-id]&IMT=[IMT]&soiltype=[soiltype]&aggregationtype=[arithmetic|ordinal]&aggregationlevel=[0..1]

Request example


Response example

The return format for hazard spectra is structurally an exact analogon to the format for hazard curves:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:nrml xmlns:ns2="http://openquake.org/xmlns/nrml/0.3" xmlns:ns1="http://www.opengis.net/gml" xmlns:ns4="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns:ns3="http://quakeml.org/xmlns/quakeml/1.1">
    <ns2:hazardResult ns1:id="gml_id_8">
            <ns2:hazardProcessing IMT=SA, saDamping="0.05" IDmodel="SHARE_201208.AsModel" investigationTimeSpan="50.0"/>
        <ns2:hazardSpectraField quantileValue="0.5" statistics="mean" ns1:id="gml_id_9">
            <ns2:SpectraPeriodList>0.1 0.3 0.1 3 10 </ns2:SpectraPeriodList>
            <ns2:HSNode ns1:id="gml_id_10">
                    <ns1:Point srsName="4326">
                        <ns1:pos>7.7821339 47.5</ns1:pos>
                    <ns2:poE>0.911 0.615 0.288 0.103 0.0202</ns2:poE>