The source model combines well-known identified faults (i.e North Anatolian Fault, Dead Sea Fault, Chaman Fault) with seismogenic segments or sections compiled within the region. The total number of database entry: 3397 fault segments; total Km: 91551km, However, not all the compiled faults were used to derive the fault source model. From the entire dataset the selection was based on the following criteria:
The faults were ranked based on the information availability, accuracy and confidence. Top ranked faults were used for hazard assessment. The fault source map presents the selected faults as a function of their slip-rate as well as their 3D geometry. Each fault source is defined as a composite source; they are fully parameterized, including parameters of geometry, slip rate, moment rate etc. together with uncertainties, defined as maximum and minimum values. Activity on fault sources is computed by converting the geological slip rates into seismicity.
Subduction zones consist of subduction interface zones:
Seismic productiovity of the subduction interface was estimated from geological slip rates. Subduction interface of Hellenic, Cyprus Arc and Makran were modeled as complex faults.
Deep Seismicity describes the seismicity of Northern Caucasus, Zagros Mountains Belt (Iran). Subduction inslab zones of Mediterranean Arc as well as Makrtan is also modelled as deep seismicty. A special cluster of intermediate depth seismicity is the Pamir-Hindu Kush (Pakistan) is concentrated bellow 100 kilometers and is located as deep as 300 km. Area sources are used to model the seismogenic potential of deep seismicity in EMME14 model.